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4common problem

Skills are required for collecting famous people's calligraphy and painting

The collection of celebrity paintings and calligraphy has become a hot spot of investment. It can not only cultivate temperament, increase artistic accomplishment, but also maintain and increase value. However, in the sea of paintings and calligraphy, how to choose and buy the famous paintings and calligraphy works that you are satisfied with is very important

A person's accomplishment comes from years of knowledge accumulation. As a calligraphy and painting collector and investor, he should not only improve his knowledge of painting and calligraphy appreciation, but also read more relevant books to know as much as possible about history, archaeology and social knowledge. Only when we have more knowledge and profound cultivation can we gradually improve our ability to collect calligraphy and painting

Seize the opportunity and talk about the chance at the calligraphy and painting auction. Once you have a good view of your works, you should not hesitate, because once you miss this opportunity, famous calligraphy and painting masterpieces may never meet again

Well known artists should know what a good work is and who is a good calligrapher and painter. Of course, good calligraphers and painters and good works also vary from person to person, from place to place, and from painting to calligraphy. For example, as a calligrapher and painter, the quality of their works often varies with the age. The older some calligraphers and painters are, the more mature their skills are, but that does not mean that their late calligraphers and painters are better. Generally speaking, the works of famous artists such as Xie Zhiliu and Lu Yanshao in the middle period are better than those in the late period; However, the paintings of Lin Fengmian and Huang Binhong are more valuable as they get older

Calligraphy and painting collections that know classification and price are usually divided into three categories. First, famous calligraphers and painters of all dynasties, such as Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and modern Qi Baishi, Fu Baoshi, Li Keran, etc. The second is the calligraphy and painting works of famous politicians and social activists in the past dynasties, such as Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Youji, Huizong of the Song Dynasty, Sun Yat sen, Mao Zedong and others. The third is the calligraphy and painting of famous poets, scholars and artists, such as Lu Xun, Shen Yinmo, Master Hongyi and Mei Lanfang