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What calligraphy and painting should be hung in the porch

What characters are good for hanging in the porch? In many places, the first buffer space we see when entering the door is the porch. The first impression and initial feeling given by the entrance are very important, which often determines our preference for this place and our opinion and evaluation of its owner

The porch plays a vital role in the style of the entire interior space. Even from the perspective of geomantic omen, the porch that stores wind and gathers gas is the throat to attract gas into the room, or the channel for wealth and gas to enter and exit. The most effective way to beautify the entrance is to decorate it so that it can improve the application of feng shui and enhance the wealth

The room is elegant and the people are harmonious. "There is no need for a room to be elegant, and the fragrance of flowers is not much." This is a humble house, but I am virtuous. " The beautiful and elegant font can not only set off the elegance of the owner, add the elegant atmosphere of the environment, but also make people feel warm and comfortable. The four words "room elegance and people harmony" not only make people feel the host's friendly and loving character, but also make the family feel at home and prosperous